There is no denying that warmer temperatures have danced in and out lately. And, no denying that I've had to switch the air from heat to cold. As I look around I see and smell the trees blooming and flowers opening. I would love to see it all with more enthusiasm, but it only reminds me of the hot summer that lays ahead. We are known here in Texas for our blistery summer days with triple digit temperatures! I know some of you out there love that. I despise it to the utmost!
But, today is the 1st day of spring and I awakened to seven inches of snow. What a contrast to see winter's snow masquerade spring's beginning off-shoots. What a sight! I don't know which one shone more brightly--the white covering on the ground or the huge smile across my face. I told my husband that it is obvious God has a great sense of humor to shower us with so much snow on this 1st celebrated day of spring! And I thanked the Lord wholeheartedly. I told Him I knew He had not sent it just for me but I was certainly thanking Him as if He had! I ADORE the snow!! I was born for the upper states. I know it! I was not born to live out the heat in a Texas town. The heat can dampen my spirit quicker than almost anything!
But, today is the 1st day of spring and I awakened to seven inches of snow. What a contrast to see winter's snow masquerade spring's beginning off-shoots. What a sight! I don't know which one shone more brightly--the white covering on the ground or the huge smile across my face. I told my husband that it is obvious God has a great sense of humor to shower us with so much snow on this 1st celebrated day of spring! And I thanked the Lord wholeheartedly. I told Him I knew He had not sent it just for me but I was certainly thanking Him as if He had! I ADORE the snow!! I was born for the upper states. I know it! I was not born to live out the heat in a Texas town. The heat can dampen my spirit quicker than almost anything!
But this is not about me or the snow or the heat. It is about something entirely different, but something that I was reminded of while relishing the beauty.
God has the final say, doesn't He? No matter what others may say, or what society may dictate, or what the rules declare, God is God. He is in control! He can do whatever He will. He can make it snow when Nature has already opened her arms to receive the spring. And this thought, snow out of season, brings me hope.
No matter what, it is not over until God says so. He has a way of making each day new. Each day can be a fresh start. Just as the snow blankets everything giving it a clean, glimmering look, God comes into our lives daily with new mercy and new blessings.
Even when everything in your life dictates to you that you should give up, or that it is over, or that there is no more need to try in your situation. Even then, God in His perfect timing, shows up with Mercy and Hope--dusting over all the failures, questions, & pain, making the slate new and clean again beckoning us to believe once more. To try anew and not give up! He declares to us that there is hope and new possibility each and every day.
I love the first glimpse of the morning snow before anyone has walked through and disturbed it. With my 1st glimpse today, I just stood there in amazed appreciation, and then I thought about how much this is just like God. Each morning we wake up to a clean slate and only when we begin to drag our baggage of yesterday's failures and disappointments through it do we begin to see the freshness and newness sullied by our past. If only we could savor such newborn moments. Keep them fresh in undisturbed beauty. If only... Yet, we must decide what we will do with the new day of fresh snow. Will we make snow angels and snowmen to enhance the beauty that much the more? Will we rejoice in the new day upon us? Or will we clutter it with yesterday's shortcomings and the cruel dictates of Life that tell us we are finished?
Each day that we take a breath is a day to celebrate. We never know what it holds for us. Yet we know that God is there with us. Guiding us. Today may just hold the breakthrough you've been waiting for! Don't pick up yesterday's leftovers and drag them into today. Determine the path that you will make. Decide carefully where you will step. Lean into the Lord and follow where He leads.
This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!