Friday, February 19, 2010

Faith that Works

I was reading in James chapter 2 this morning when I came across the well-known verse dealing with faith and works and concluding that faith not backed by works is dead. Agreeably, I stopped to ask myself, 'what works in my life can I say reflect my faith? What deeds can I say I've done that support my faith?' And I kept asking myself this question because I could not come up with any concrete answer. I found this disturbing!

I took these questions with me as I took my morning walk. And I kept asking myself and kept feeling frustrated with my inability to find an answer.

Then it hit me--I couldn't find an answer because I was walking around looking upward into the sky for some great monumental skyscraper of a thing that I had done that had Christian written in flashing lights. I was simply looking in the wrong place.

I wish I could say to you that my faith has lead me to dangerous missions work where my life is constantly at risk. That would sound grand. But I cannot. And I realized, that is OK.

So I took a glance back on the year past and asked the question yet again, this time looking more at the path where I had walked, and the little tidbits of leaves and stones and debris scattered across it. And I saw the truth. It is in those little things scattered throughout our life where our faith can be seen--where its fruit is evident.

Simple works! Smaller deeds! And I began to see some of my faith sprinkled along the way. Times when I kept a friend's children so that she could be with her husband on an outing instead of relaxing to that movie I'd anticipated all week. Meals cooked and shared with others. A phone call to say 'I'm thinking of you' or 'you were on my mind.' An open house to family needing a place to stay--giving up a bit of privacy and my customary way of doing things to be accommodating. All these little things where we sacrifice ourselves for another show our faith in God. They speak of love. And loving one another is at the very heart of God. These deeds show our faith's attempt at embracing the whole of who God is in us.

James says it is not enough to see others in need and simply say I'm praying for you. If your brother is hungry--feed him. If he is thirsty--give him a drink. That is faith in action!

So, perhaps faith in action is demonstrated when, in Wal-mart, you allow the woman behind you with the child approaching meltdown to go ahead of you in the checkout line. In spite of the fact that you are rushed and tired and hungry. Or maybe it is surrendering the parking place to the woman with the car full of children, even if it means you will have to walk farther and it is raining. And maybe it is acted upon when you decide to cook the meal your husband really wants that takes a couple of hours in the kitchen. Even if a bowl of oatmeal would have been enough for you. And you still have a long to-do list. And your back hurts.

Are you getting the picture? In some way our life must express our faith in God, our belief in Him--our Christianity. If it doesn't then we might need to ask ourselves why. It's not enough to merely confess our faith; we must live it--out loud!

So, ask yourself the question today that I asked myself. And be encouraged when you can see the fruit of your faith. I was. I was encouraged and inspired to do more. To love more. To care more. To give more.

In the end, after all, the goal is really about becoming more like Jesus. And our faith in God and that He dwells within us should be lived out in such a way that it brings us closer to this goal.

What are you doing to live your faith aloud?

14-17Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense? (James 2:14-17, The Message)


  1. Wonderful insight on Faith and Works. I love the way God is using your talent for writing to express His principals.

  2. Great post. I was thinking about this passage sunday morning and trying to remember where it was. Thanks for pointing me to it. I agree wholeheartedly, altho I am guilty myself so many times of not putting feet to my words when the opportunity arises. Thanks June.
