Monday, February 15, 2010


You know how you are reading along in the Word of God and something just jumps out at you? Well, I’ve learned such places are the ones that I especially need to stop and give attention to. So, I spent an hour walking this morning and talking to the Lord about the following scripture:

Prov 15:15

15 All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances].

I looked up the word ‘despond’ and it means those depressed by lack of hope.

Depression. Loss of Hope. Anxiety. Worries. Forebodings. Words I am familiar with and feel certain you are too. It is impossible to sail through the sea of Life without meeting these at some point.

A glad heart and a continual feast. I like that part! But, I really like the part that says we can have a glad heart and continual feast regardless of circumstances. Does something in you shout out, as it does in me—is that even possible??

I admit that I struggled with this verse. I kept asking myself, what is it really saying? And finally I realized that it really comes down to one word: CHOICE!

I see two tables prepared. Two very different and opposing feasts. One is prepared by our enemy and filled with anxiety, hopelessness, worries, and despair. Feasting at such a table leaves you with more than just a severe case of reflux! It takes away your vision. It strongly encourages you to look through the eyes of flesh and thus allow circumstances to dictate your outcome. It woos you to embrace hopelessness. It whispers that you should just give up. It is a defeatist chair that pulls up to that spread!

And then a different table--a table set with laughter and joy. With lightness of heart. One which encourages the shedding of burdens and not of hope. That dishes up possibilities on plates of Faith. No anxiety, worry, foreboding, or depression on this table. Those have been pealed and scraped away and tossed into the garbage bowl. Only nourishment of the purist kind is presented here.

And I continued to think about those two tables. Most of us can say that we have been a guest at both tables. I know I can.

I’m reminded of a lesson from Psychology class. Studies have shown that the mere act of smiling (even when not feeling anything to smile about) actually has a chemical effect on the body that creates the good feelings that the smile normally reflects. Smiling like you are happy actually produces feelings of happiness. Try it and see. Smiling is a powerful thing!

What is my point? My point is that we must chose where we will feast. And yes--we can! Paul said that he had learned to be content in whatever state he found himself (Phil 4:11). And he found himself in some pretty bad situations. He sang from jail. Standing in feces, amidst the stench in his cell, he sang! How could he? He learned to feast at the Master’s table. He learned to use the second set of eyes—faith eyes that see things that are not as if they already were.

And we can learn it too!

Regardless of our circumstances, we can maintain hope—because our Hope is in Jesus! And our joy comes not from some mustering of our own as much as it comes from the Lord. As Nehemiah said, “the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh 8:10 KJV).

The only reason we can feast continually, regardless of circumstances, is because we have feasted on God and His Word and choose to see things through the eyes of faith. Again, it comes down to choice.

It is an easy thing of which to write. Much harder to live out. Sometimes Life does seem impossible. It is a constant struggle. But, when I find myself struggling rather than feasting on the joy of the Lord, I realize that I am relying too much on myself, my strength, what I can and cannot control, etc., inviting cares and anxieties to overcome me and lure me to the table of my enemy. I am reminded again that I must follow the instruction of 1 Peter 5:7 which states:

7 Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. (AMP)

Do you know what robs you of your continual feasting at the Master’s table? Worry and anxiety. Cares!

I know there is a time and season for everything including mourning and weeping (Eccl 3:1, 4), but through it all we can be refreshed and refueled by the Master’s feast which he prepares for us—even in the presence of our enemy (Ps 23:5). Perhaps your enemy is worry. Or a debt that can’t be paid. Or sickness. Or the loss of a loved one. Whatever your enemy is, God still offers you a chance to feast on His joy and His strength. He gives us eyes to see and ears to hear. Eyes and ears that are attuned to His and thus see and hear what God sees and hears--eyes of Faith. There we find hope!

Where have you been feasting lately? It will be clear by the examination of your thoughts—where have your thoughts been lately? Are you trusting or doubting? Believing or desponding?

I encourage you to feast on the Lord! Taste and see that He is good! Drink in His joy. Savor the possibilities he offers. The cost is minimal: He merely asks for you to bring him your worries, your cares, your sorrows—those weights that so easily beset you. He takes those, unburdening you so that you may freely feast. And the desert is an overflowing dish of contentment!

You and I can’t do this alone. We can’t overflow with joy in the midst of trials on our own strength. We must lean into Him. We must empty out our worries and that which weighs us down so that we can be filled with Him. Filled to the point of overflowing. That is the secret. He gives us joy unspeakable!

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to pull my chair up to the Father’s table today and just see what good eatin’ He has prepared!

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